Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What are you chasing now??

I moved my game camera to another location on our hunting lease.  This is a feeder that we feed with all year round.  I was hoping to catch some shots of different turkeys so that we might know what we are chasing on this side of the club.  What I got was about 73 pictures of deer and these two shots of what look like pretty good long beards.

Dear Mr. Tom,  I know you are there and I will be seeing you very soon.  You have a date with a pretty talking little hen and one mean Browning!

Sincerely,  The Brave Eagle!!


The Gang said...

I have to get me a game camera!

LB @ Bullets And Biscuits said...

Good luck! Our turkey season isn't until Apr 14 so we've been shed hunting. Zero on those too hahah

penbayman said...

Looks a little dry in your neck of the woods Trey...

Unknown said...

We have actually had some rain lately. Just looks pretty bad in this picture because this feeder goes off 365 days a year and the deer keep the ground beat down pretty good.