Mr. Ed Cox was one of my favorite people. He passed away last year. He lived a long and happy life and was in generally good health and spirit right up until the time that he went home to be with his Lord. I wrote a little piece about Mr. Ed that you can read
here. I am good friends with Mr. Ed's Grandson, Kyle. Kyle and his family have been taking on the task of cleaning out Mr. Ed's house and gathering up things that are dear to them. Kyle told me that they found this old chest of drawers out in Mr. Ed's storage barn, and that if I wanted to try and refinish it I could. I took the opportunity on a rainy Sunday afternoon to get started on what I think is going to be a beautiful piece. Check out Steady Eddie's Chest!
Doesn't look like much does it? |
Rear view. The top piece and mirror are no where to be found. |
You can tell that someone starting to work on the piece by the two drawers that are already stripped. I hope it was Mr. Ed. I kind of like knowing I am finishing what he started. |
So this is what I was given. It is in really nice shape and all of the wood looks to be in good order. I removed the drawers and all of the hardware. I had to do a little repair on the floor of one of the drawers, but luckily Mr. Ed left me some finishing nails that I needed in the very same drawer that needed repairing. I was disappointed to find that someone had removed all of the locks from the drawers and filled in the keyholes with wood filler. I am going to try and find a small brass plate or badge to cover up these places, or I may even try and find new locks. I think it will dress the piece up a little and finish the drawers off nice.
So is this piece going to be worth the effort?? Take a look at the next two shots and you tell me!!
First two drawers with just a bit of cleaner. These were the two that were already stripped. |
All four drawers stripped, sanded, and ready for hardware and finish! |
I am having fun with this piece so far. It has been fairly easy to clean up as the old varnish is taking it easy on me and coming off nicely. I have pictures of the finished top, but I am going to save those for the next blog post so keep watching for updates as I bring "Steady Eddie's" chest back to life!
I have no real talent for these sorts of things. It is looking great, though. A fun project for the summer.
(PS I got the pecan chips. Need a weekend without rain to do something with them. Thanks again!)
That chest is going to look great-quarter sawn oak is great! I look fwd to seeing the completed project. I'll have to shoot you a pic of a 100 year old mission desk I recently had refinished.
The dresser looks great so far. Nice to see someone else appreciates older furniture. Can't wait to see the rest.
Awesome piece with an awesome story. Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
oh trey, it's so hard to believe that old chest that has been in the storage house can turn out so beautiful. you have such a talent and yes you have to have lots of patience to do this kind of work. it's not a easy job and there are lots of steps that take time. i vaguely remember daddy working on this chest but he did. i gave kyle a clock that daddy worked on and he has it hanging at his house. i remember it took some time to finish, he had to take it all apart and put it back together. i do appreciate your love for this "hobby" of yours. i also appreciate your love you have for "steady eddy".. oh how i miss my papa. he was one of a kind and i am so proud that i had him for a daddy. the blog you wrote back in november means a lot to me, he never knew that he meant that much to you or others. i have had so many people tell me what a fine man he was and how much they thought of him... he would be in awe. one day we will meet again... thanks trey... keep up the good work, can't wait to see it finished. xxoo
Ms. Lydia I think you are going to be shocked when you see the finished product. I ordered new hardware for it that should be in soon. The drawer pulls that were on it were not from the correct period, so I ordered some 1890's replica brass pulls that should finish it off real nice. I hope that you have a place for it at the new cabin because it is yours when I am finished!!
I definitely you made Steady Eddie proud!
That's a shame the top piece is missing. I have two dressers missing their tops... BUT I have my fingers crossed that one day I will find some that match stuck up in the corner of someone's attic ;)
how sweet that you're finishing your friend's work...
thanks for finding my blog, trey! that LB is something, isn't she?! love her!
i cracked up when i saw your header photo. thought, "i'm gonna like this nut..." :)
can't wait to see this piece all done. have seen the progress in the newer posts...
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