It will not be long now. Even though it is still hot as blazes here in the good ole' South, I can tell that fall is coming. How can that be you might ask? Well let's just say that my inner hunting clock is telling me so! As I was getting dressed for work this morning I noticed a sound echoing from my gun cabinet in my home office. I eased over to investigate what it might be and then I realized what it was. It was the sound of anticipation. All my pretty little Brownings were lined up neatly where they were left at the end of last season. They are patiently waiting on me to pull one of them out of the cabinet and place it in its case to journey on that first dove hunting trip of the season. Opening day is only a few short weeks away. Which little beauty will it be? It will definitely be a 20 gauge because of a shoulder that has not been battle tested this early in the season. Heavy fire power is also not needed on early season doves because a good deal of the birds that are shot are very young birds and easy to bring down. So which will it be? The tried and true A-5 that has been with me the longest? The sweet little over and under that has its own style and grace? Or the known dove punisher that is the Browning Gold Hunter? I'm going with the Gold!! Easy to shoot and confidence with this gun will allow me to leave the others behind on opening day.

As I was standing there tying my tie and viewing the contents of my gun cabinet, I allowed myself to start taking inventory of my dove hunting gear in my mind. Do I know where my dove stool is? Did I ever find my blind? Do my Mo Jo dove decoys need batteries? Do I have enough shells to start the season? Does my son have camo that still fits him? Will Josey "The Wonder Dog" do as well this year as last year once the weather cools off? Have I become familiar enough with her new electric collar? Etc, etc, etc. I realized that I am not quite ready for the season to start, but the good thing is that I have a month to get ready.
I finished tying my tie and told myself that I would take a real inventory this weekend. Getting ready for the hunt is almost as much fun as the hunt itself. I started to close the gun cabinet when I caught the Godfather of the cabinet glaring at me from the corner. The Browning Maxus was sitting in its perch with a look of disgust that I had not even considered taking him with me on opening day. I calmed him down a little by telling him it was just too hot for him in September and that Kansas would be here before you know it. I even tempted him with a possible trip to the Maine wilderness to shoot some sea ducks with the Duckman. That will keep him happy until December when the second dove season opens. Do I have any 12 gauge shells????
fly, little birdies, fly! trey's coming for you! :)
My first bow hunt is next Tuesday!
Ian- I hope that you find yourself with a cooler day!!
We planted sunflowers this year on the farm in hopes to bring some doves back in so we can hunt it. We checked the plot the other day....the plants are 2' tall and heads just as big. ahhahahah. I asked Rambob what kind of seeds he bought?...sunflowers for midgets? So this should be a very interesting post coming up ;)
I can see it now, "Dang Duckman, I've got to get me one of those Berettas" as Trey curses the Maxus and throws it into the Atlantic Ocean...
Just don't see it happening Duckman!!
It's been quite awhile since I've gone dove hunting. It sure is fun though! Enjoy yourself out there!
I love my Browning Gold 20. Probably picking up a used Maxus, Gold, or Silver (in 12ga) this season for ducks. I'll only have to sell two other guns to pay for it, ha ha!
And Trey, would you care to wade in with a post on the hunting lease debate? It would round off the River Mud's series at 2 for and 2 against private leasing....
Just a thought & happy to hear ideas about a cross-post (from me) for your blog as well.
Swampy, shoot me an email at treyluckie@yahoo.com and we can work out the particulars.
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